Lighting Control, Emphasis on “Control”

 In Blog

dining and living room with Lutron lighting control keypadsLighting control products such as dimmers and switches can come from many sources and are typically installed by electricians because of the necessary connections to high voltage wiring and all the building and safety codes thus entailed.

So, what does a low-voltage specialist like Custom Audio Video bring to the table? Quite simply, control expertise and a willingness to take the time to design a control scheme that maximizes convenience and simplicity.

The grouping of lights together in ways that make sense requires experience and adaptability, combining tried and true programming practices with the new needs of recently constructed homes. No fly-by-night or get-in-get-out contractors are likely to put the effort in to make the control of dozens of lighting fixtures easy and intuitive.


Electricians, Lighting Designers, and Control Experts, Who Does What?

Lighting control installations are inherently a collaborative effort between a few different groups. As outlined above, electricians are necessary, and control experts like Custom Audio Video will manage the project and bring everything together. In the case of new home construction, a third party will be involved, the fixture provider or specifier. In some cases, there can be more than one fixture provider: often the electrician provides practical or general lighting fixtures, while someone like an interior designer might provide decorative lighting.

Ideally, the fixture specification comes first, and the design of the control hardware, such as in wall dimmers and keypads, will be tailored by the control expert to provide well-thought-out access to all lighting. Next in the process is where the electrician comes in, connecting the high-voltage wiring to the dimmers and switches designed by the control experts. Lastly, the control experts do their part to set up and program the system, which typically involves an initial pass, and after the homeowner has had a chance to experience the system, a second visit to tailor the system to any minor alterations and personal preferences.

The result should be beautiful lighting activated with the fewest clicks and effortless ease.

If you are interested in how lighting control can improve your daily experience in your home, contact Custom Audio Video today, or check out this page for more information.

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